Thomas Aquinas on Church and Office (Buch - Geheftet)

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Thomas Aquinas on Church and Office (Buch - Geheftet)

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This essay aims at describing an aspect of the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas (1224 or 1225-1274). After more than seven centuries Thomas is still influential. The study of his ...

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This essay aims at describing an aspect of the thoughts of Thomas Aquinas (1224 or 1225-1274). After more than seven centuries Thomas is still influential. The study of his ecclesiology can help to understand current discussions on Church and Office. Especially the Roman Catholic Church honours Thomas Aquinas and his heritage. Thomas’ thought has continued to be one of the pillars of Roman Catholic teaching. His ideas make clear why Rome defines the Church in terms of sacramentality as the channel of grace, with the priests as powerful administrators of the sacraments.


  • ISBN: 9783941750982
  • Auflage: 12.01.2012
  • Seitenzahl: 24 S.
  • Maße: 14,7 x 20,6 x 0,2 cm
  • Gewicht: 41g
  • Preisbindung: Ja
  • Sachgebiet: Fremdsprachige Bücher


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